Unilever Indonesia joins forces with Re>Pal

  • Collaboration with Unilever Indonesia to reduce use of virgin plastic and recycle plastic packaging
  • Recycled pallets will support Unilever Indonesia’s operation around the country
  • Recycled pallets produced from up to 384 tonnes of post-consumed plastics.

I’m pleased to announce a collaboration with PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk, (Unilever) and one of its logistic partners, to use RP pallets to support its warehouse operations. The collaboration between Unilever Indonesia and Re>Pal Indonesia focuses to recycle Unilever Indonesia’s plastic packaging post-consumer materials into Re>Pal’s logistic pallets.

The pallets to be ordered, following acceptance testing, are RP1210-L pallets (a modification of the NSP1210 H pallet) and it is anticipated that Unilever will replace existing timber pallets within their raw materials warehousing, operated by one of their logistics partners. At the end of pallet life, these pallets will be returned to Re>Pal for recycling into new pallets. To ensure integrity of the pallet network, Unileverhas also tested integration of an RFID tag into the pallet and built RFIDin as part of   Unilever logistic programme. The pallets will include an RFID tag, QR code and anti-slip devices.

Nurdiana Darus, Head of Corporate Affairs and Sustainability of Unilever commented “We are pleased to announce this collaboration with Re>Pal as it is aligned with our global commitment that by 2025 we will halve our use of virgin plastic. We will do this, by reducing the absolute use of plastic packaging by more than 100,000 tonnes, accelerating our use of recycled plastic, and help collect and process more plastic packaging than what we sell. This collaboration supports the circular economy framework allowing for as much waste as possible is captured from communities and sent to Re>Pal for processing into pallets, which Unilever Indonesia then uses in its warehouses. At end of pallet life, Re>Pal can reprocess the pallets so that we can recycle and reuse the pallets again and again. We hope that this becomes another program that brings benefits to all, especially communities, both environmentally and financially.”

We anticipate that this initial collaboration is part of a long-term circular and close partnership between Re>Pal, Unilever and their logistic partners across Indonesia and potentially SE Asia. We can help their business and supply chains by providing a longer-life and better lifetime-value pallet, whilst also helping their sustainability footprint by reusing packaging waste in our 100% recycled plastic pallets. We are excited by the long-term potential of this partnership. Late last year we have signed a Letter of Appointment with Unilever’s logistics partner, on Unilever’s behalf for this project. The RP1210L pallet will be in production approximately from April 2021, following the acceptance testing, on one line for 3 shifts for around 3-4 months.”

Richard Jenkins, Executive Chairman of Range commented that “Just as the foundering of the fossil fuel industry is inevitable so too is the continued emergence of industries that promote the environment, sustainability and good corporate governance. Range, through its Re>Pal subsidiary, along with its clients and partners is a participant in this unstoppable trend. This latest and important collaboration with Unilever is further confirmation of our participation in that trend and is consistent with Unilever’s global goal to reduce their use of virgin plastics.”

2021-02-10T20:18:21+00:00February 10th, 2021|News|

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