COVID-19 has had some serious effects in Indonesia, though we note the country’s determination to carry on with life as far as possible. Our thoughts are with anyone affected.

Our aim through this period is to help our clients and prospects as much as possible to continue with business as usual. Our manufacturing facilities, and the Pasuruan bonded customs zone, remain unaffected at the present time. As of the time of writing, we temperature check arriving staff and suppliers before entering the site. We ensure a safe working environment and try and minimise contacts between staff, across shift changes and overall maintain a clean and hygienic working environment. We encourage staff self-discipline on cleanliness.

COVID-19 is certainly unprecedented in any of our lifetimes. My thoughts are with you all, and most of all we want our workers to return safely to home each day and ensure that there is a future for everyone’s business after this difficult time.

2020-04-01T14:31:44+00:00April 1st, 2020|News|

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